Saturday 3 January 2015

Albert Williams.. We will never know..

Big Albert Williams 18/1 with a single draw (14 ko's) Albert was born in Newport News Virginia and served in the gulf for the US marine corps..  Al was chief sparring partner for Heavyweight Champion Lennox Lewis through most of his career. During that time Lennox class started to rub off on Al, he would rack up 11 straight wins before a single loss to Darren Hayden in Reno.. From 1994 through to 1998 Williams wouldn't lose a fight, only 2 draws to tough Jameel McCline on the Briggs v Wilson, night of the young heavyweights card in Atlantic City and a controversial draw with Ed Mahone in Las Vegas following a huge melee at the weigh in. Al was without direction at the beginning of his career but in Mike Tyson's absence in 93/4, team Tyson members Stacey McKinley and Steve Fitch would steer him towards a bright future along with father figure Gerald Landry as advisor Williams looked destined for Titles.. He was looking at a deal with powerpunch promotions and Cedric Kushner going into 1998. Alberts last victory came in May 1999 against Lorenzo Boyd.. One month later Albert Williams passed away from a heart defect at home..
On this particular day Al and his trainer Kenny Croom would leave Nevada Partners gym after a tough days sparring with David Defiagbon..  The pair would leave and head for a favourite casino for a catfish dinner.. Al wasn't  himself and went home to relax with his stepson and fiancĂ©e Lisa.. Al would sit on the bedroom floor watching cartoons with his boy.. Soon after the little man went to call his mom and said that daddy was cold..  Albert had passed peacefully..  Ironically Alberts father died of the same issue at the same age ..   We will never know how good he could have been.  NB..  Mike Tyson paid for Alberts funeral in Newport News Va.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow Chill Will i just learned of your death from another old marine buddy.RIP DEVIL DOG

  3. “Big Will”. Served with him in the Marine Corps 3/2 Kilo Co. and during Desert storm. He will be missed!!! Semper Fi

  4. I'm Big Al's youngest sibling, Calvin. He was definitely a powerhouse with a very gentle spirit. The love he had and displayed for all of us was nothing less than close to how Jesus loves. We were inseparable the times he was back home in Newport news, Va. His legacy lives through us, his siblings, his son, Denzel and his daughter, Shaunassee.

    1. Calvin please stay in touch, my email is

      My mobile is 0447922222084

      Albert meant a lot to me.
